If 2+2=4, Then God Exists

Aristotle, Anselm, Aquinas, Liebniz, and William Lane Craig provide famous reasons to believe that God exists. Less well known is a way proposed by the African intellectual Augustine. In his fantastic book Five Proofs of the Existence of God, Edward Feser explains this argument at length. Inspired by Augustine, let’s begin with the reality that …

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Sin and Possession Today

When we hear words like ‘sin’ and ‘possession’ we might think they don’t really apply to us anymore. Maybe they are great to use as a kind of language game with our fellow Christians, a way of building community or a kind of secret handshake, but out there? In the real world? If we are …

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The Decline of Christianity: A Threat to America’s Democratic Fabric?

The decline of American Christianity is no secret. Recent works like Ryan Burge’s The Rise of the Nones and Stephen Bullivant’s Nonverts: The Making of Ex-Christian America have documented, analyzed, and explained quite deftly. The stats are shocking and the implications are quite disturbing—half of all Americans aged 18-29 are not only not religious but …

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